Sunday, June 17, 2012

Keeping My Eyes to the Ground

I guess it all started with my mother (where most everything usually begins). Growing up with my mom I constantly noticed how she always managed to pick up change wherever she went. A penny here, a nickel there. Occasionally a quarter or even a dollar bill would slip in. Even as I am typing this post my mom texts me that she has found a penny in a parking lot. I love my mom and I look up to her. Her ability to raise two children while becoming a manager at her job are amazing accomplishments, and I am proud to be her son.

When I moved to Baltimore to become a high school teacher, I surrounded myself with work and with friends. Being a teacher provides you with an amazing opportunity to meet people and grow together within the profession and outside of the job as friends. After 4 years of living in one of the friendliest cities in America, I came to realize one of the ways that I am unique. I, like my mother before me, constantly find change on the ground. It may be because I have a trained eye or maybe I am just constantly looking for it, but I am constantly finding change all over this city, this state, this country, and even this world. 

With this blog,  I simply wish to share my experiences through the act of collecting loose change from the ground. Each penny or nickel or dime will be accompanied with a picture, and each picture will come with tidbits about the location. At the end of each blog, I will include a running total of how much I have found thus far. Enjoy!

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